Hello Everybody!
If this is the first time you are reading my blog, WELCOME!
My name is Peter, and this blog is about me, documenting my efforts to start my own farm! I also use this blog to share news (good and bad), announce events, and anything else that I find interesting while working in the field every day.
I just thought I would share with you what I am about:
Mission: My eventual goal is to run a fully functioning farm, made of various vegetable varieties, fruit, and mini orchard. I also would LOVE to raise my own poultry, pigs, and cows (right now I raise only chickens and turkeys). I try to avoid using gas-guzzling machines as much as possible, and I believe in hand picking all of my produce. This is because I feel proud of what I grow, and can attest to its quality. I want to be able to tell all of my customers what kind of soil it grew in, how much water it was fed, and when it was picked. Most of all, I aim to never use any chemical pesticides, herbicides, and anything that ends in “-cide”!!!
If you have already visited my farm-gate, first of all THANK YOU for your support. We aim to sell only what we grow. Our product selection is variable with the weather and growing conditions, and we only want to put out the best. So the selection varies everyday.
RIGHT NOW: I am selling at my farm-gate, in Uxbridge, at the northwest corner of Main and Wagg. We are open Fridays and Saturdays. I am selling strawberries, raspberries, and a selection of vegetables including corn. I also have available various pies, jams, and baked goods. These are always made with the products from the farm, using local ingredients wherever possible. Even all the vegetables and chicken in our chicken pot-pie are all from my farm!
I also sell free-range chicken. My chickens are fed a whole-grain diet, and are never given any hormones and antibiotics. For Christmas, I am also raising free-range turkey, again I never feed them any hormones or antibiotics.
BELIEFS: I want to eat food that is as natural as possible. To me, this means that I want to feel like my food is safe to eat. I want to know where my food comes from, and to be able to eat food that has not been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, and has not been fed antibiotics and hormones. I believe in supporting local business, and I want to sell my products to those who share these beliefs.
Contact Me: send me an email or give me a call if you have any questions. You might be surprised to find out some of the things we offer (like year-round frozen fruit and vegetables!). I also hope to expand on my fruit and vegetable boxes, and deliver more chickens, turkey and produce for the next season.
Email: oakridgesfinest@gmail.com
Phone: 647-833-6360
Facebook: Find me on Facebook at “Oakridges Finest”. Please “like” my page!
Thanks for reading, and check back here for more news!