Hello again this is my second post i figured it would be a good time to introduce the chicken flock as they are currently the only animals that i will have until the spring. The two breeds that i have right now are bard an white rocks which are trying their best to hide in this picture. The chickens are only about seven months old and started laying just before christmas. The bard rocks are brown egg layers and white rocks are white just like there namesake. So far they have held out pretty well against the cold i have lost one hen due to pecking as chickens tend to pick on the smallest bird in the flock especially during the winter when they are more confined. Right now i have 15 hens and two roosters in this flock and i hope to grow it in size and variety as the year progresses by trying to hatch some eggs in my incubator an by purchasing ready to lay hens in the spring as the price is very reasonable to buy them that way. I also hope to be able to get some of the hens to roost naturally as i have always wanted to see a hen actually go through the process of laying a clutch of eggs and laying on them till they hatch. This is it for now i hope to post again this weekend to introduce the dogs if not early next week.
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