Well it is February and the weather is cold and snowy just like it should be for this time of the year in Ontario. That means its pruning season for apple trees and some frigid afternoons for me as i try to get them ready for another growing season in which i hope to finally get my first actual crop of apples even if its only a handful this year i will be happy. I am glad to announce that out of the 18 apples trees i transplanted last year the majority of them have survived only 4 seem completely dead. This is better than i expected and more than matches the hope that i had for their survival when i dug them up in such a rough way.
The reason why apples trees are pruned in what is traditionally the coldest part of the winter is because it causes the least amount of harm to the trees as they are asleep and do not have any sap running to the branches yet so it doesn't cause any major loss of vitality to the tree. Also the tree has the time to heal the wound before the spring so that it is not as vulnerable to pests and disease. This year i am only doing minor pruning on my trees as they were already pruned back hard last year and now i just need a more strategic approach to help focus there growth in a way that maximizes both root and canopy growth. I hope that in the long term i can get these trees to producing well within the next few years.
The pictures in this post were taken with eye towards showing you how the berries and trees at "rest" during the winter and with all the snow so far this season these pictures provide a perfect example of the insulation that heavy snowfall provides for plants in northern climates. The picture of dougie was included to show you all how are four legged friends struggle to get around in deep snow but it doesn't slow her down to much because she is a farm dog and is used to it. Well i hope you are all enjoying the winter don't worry spring will be here soon.
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